“Journey Begins”: Reiki First Degree is an application is to be implemented for self-care, body, mind and spiritual awareness and spiritual balance.
The initial level you will begin your journey of awareness and self-healing.
The workshop guides one to channel and enhance his or her natural intuitive self, you will focus on the individual. You will learn the history of Reiki, starting in Japan,and how it came to the West. We will explore some of the changes that had occurred over the years of its growth here in the West. Two days of metaphysical and spiritual visionary enhancement, meditation, affirmation and manifestation guidance will be placed in the student’s hands. One will begin a two-day journal.
One is encouraged to hold on to the journal to enter additional notes while continuing healing and working with Reiki energy. Journals will be provided at an extra fee.
Once Reiki trainee complete Reiki one, the student would be able to use Reiki first degree hand positions for self, family members and friends preparing students for a constant flow of Reiki’s healing energy. Reiki healing energy when used to the fullest will assist in either diffusing or absorbing any negative patterns.
A gift will be given to each student upon completion.