Alvina Smith has traveled and studied other cultures, religions and ethnic groups. During her undergraduate studies, she focused on her majors cultural and ethnic Anthropology and Black Studies; conjunction, a triple minor in traditional-natural-alternative medicine, comparative religious studies and women’s issues. She understands and respects the diverse people that live on this beautiful earth. The work and effort that Alvina Smith has put into serving Divine Heavenly Spirit and humankind are a tip of the mark.
Alvina Smith has guided many towards fulfillment of one’s aspirations. She offers powerful integrative healing techniques, working with energy, nutrition and transformational changes. She has spent more than twenty years servicing several of her clientele. On occasions, Alvina presence projects a “Healing light” and her voice is a “Healing voice” many expressed this to Alvina. Names she accepts’ in homage; she feels and knows that all is the making of the Divine Creator and the people that she has encountered. All these gifts Alvina obtained are through the mastership of training, willingness to change for the betterment and her natural born blessings. Alvina Smith only speaks the truth to those who are willing, ready and able to face and deal with the truth. A woman whom anyone would want to stand by your side. She knows that the world is too vast for one to stop learning. May the education come from a child or the elders. May it be here in the magnificent United States of America or far ends of the earth.
Sending Out light and love to all !!!!!!!!