The tomb of Ankmahor at Saqqara is often popularly referred to the ‘Physician’s tomb’. Can one decipher if reflexology is actually being practiced, determination has not been noted, but it is noted that a practice of foot treatment? The hieroglyphics markings have been translated as stating “Don’t hurt me.” The practitioner’s reply:- ” I shall act so you praise me.” These Ancient Kemetic (Egyptian) documentation is estimated to date back to about 2330 B.C.; it’s referenced as contributing to modern times, practice, application and theory of foot treatment.”
There are many ancient civilizations that have used different methods of foot treatments. As what we understand it today this treatment is the origin of Reflexology methodology and records are evident in Ancient Asia. According to the reflex point charts that many are following as a mode of diagnoses and treatment exhibits actual pressure points that were practiced in Ancient Asia. Today this ancient healing modality is known as Reflexology “an ancient healing modality.” Reflexology benefits many. As mentioned there were many variations of foot treatment, treatment could be traced to Incas ancient Peruvian civilization in Latin America. Dating back to 12,000 (B.C.) the Incas passed down techniques and skills to North American Indians, the Aniyvwiyai society (Cherokee tribes).
It is documented that information was passed on the Cherokee nation around the seventeenth century, which is still used today to rid any ailments. There is no distinct conclusion of origin to Reflexology. Nonetheless, all the data collected it is known that the variations of foot treatment is traced back to the time of ancient Kemet (Egypt) to North American Indians, the Aniyvwiyai society (Cherokee tribes)……..